Genetic drift

As a very basic example, lets simulate how allele frequencies change due to genetic drift. If we want to track a large number of loci, we can use haploid_hd. First, we import the necessary tools, including FFPopSim:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import FFPopSim as h

Next, we specify the parameters of the population and set up the population.

L=256                                           # simulate 256 loci

pop = h.haploid_highd(L)                        # produce an instance of haploid_lowd with L loci
pop.carrying_capacity = 5000                    # set the average population size to 50000
pop.outcrossing_rate = 1                        # make the species obligate outcrossing
pop.crossover_rate = 0.02/pop.L                 # set the crossover rate of the segment to 2 centimorgans
pop.mutation_rate = 0.1/pop.carrying_capacity   # per locus mutation rate equal to 0.1/N
initial_allele_frequencies = 0.5*np.ones(pop.L) # define some initial allele frequencies

# initialize the population in LD with the specified allele frequencies
pop.set_allele_frequencies(initial_allele_frequencies, pop.carrying_capacity)

We now have a population of size 5000 where each of the 256 loci is present at frequency 1/2. Next, we want to evolve the population and track the frequencies of the alleles.

#evolve for 2000 generations and track the allele frequencies
maxgen = 2000
#make lists to store allele frequencies and time points
allele_frequencies = [pop.get_allele_frequencies()]
tp = [pop.generation]

while pop.generation<maxgen:
    pop.evolve(10)                                          #procede 10 generations
    allele_frequencies.append(pop.get_allele_frequencies()) #save the allele frequencies
    tp.append(pop.generation)                               #and the associated generation

The array allele_frequencies now contains the frequencies of 256 loci every 10 generations. We can plot a subset of these as follows:

for locus in xrange(5,pop.L,50):        #plot a few neutral trajectories
    plt.plot(tp, allele_frequencies[:,locus],, lw=2)