Genetic drift versus genetic draft

The next examples explores the interplay between genetic drift and genetic draft, i.e., the effect of linked selection on the trajectories of neutral alleles. The basic script is the same as above, only that we now set a fitness landscape and change the effects of some mutations from being deleterious to beneficial during the simulation. This generates selective sweeps.

After importing the relevant modules, we build the population:

L=256                                           # simulate 256 loci

pop = h.haploid_highd(L)                        # produce an instance of haploid_lowd with L loci
pop.carrying_capacity = 50000                   # set the average population size to 50000
pop.outcrossing_rate = 1                        # make the species obligate outcrossing
pop.crossover_rate = 0.02/pop.L                 # set the crossover rate of the segment to 2 centimorgans
pop.mutation_rate = 0.1/pop.carrying_capacity   # per locus mutation rate equal to 0.1/N

In addition, we set the selection coefficients to 0 for most loci, but make every 10th locus strongly deleterious:

selection_coefficients = 0.0*np.ones(pop.L)                 # most loci are neutral
selection_coefficients[::m] = -0.1                          # every m-th locus is strongly deleterious
pop.set_trait_additive(selection_coefficients,0)            # trait 0 is by default fitness

Neutral loci are set the frequency 1/2, while the deleterious ones to frequency 0. We initialize the population with those allele frequencies, in linkage equilibrium:

initial_allele_frequencies = 0.5*np.ones(pop.L)
initial_allele_frequencies[::m] = 0
pop.set_allele_frequencies(initial_allele_frequencies, pop.carrying_capacity)

Next, we start evolving and track the allele frequencies as we go along. Every 200 generations, we pick a random locus from the deleterious ones and make it beneficial.

#evolve for 2000 generations and track the allele frequencies
maxgen = 2000
allele_frequencies = [pop.get_allele_frequencies()]
tp = [pop.generation]
while pop.generation<maxgen:
    pop.evolve(10)                                                  # procede 10 generations
    if (pop.generation%200==0):                                     # every 200 generations, make one of the deleterious mutations beneficial
        print "generation:", pop.generation, 'out of', maxgen
        selection_coefficients[m*np.random.randint(0,25)] = 0.01
        pop.set_trait_additive(selection_coefficients)              # update fitness function

allele_frequencies.append(pop.get_allele_frequencies())             # save the allele frequencies
tp.append(pop.generation)                                           # and the associated generation

We now plot the frequency trajectories of all selected loci. Those that become beneficial in the process have risen quickly to high frequencies. When they sweep, they influence the trajectories of linked neutral loci, of which also a few trajectories are shown.

for locus in xrange(0,pop.L,m):         #plot the allele frequency trajectories of the selected mutations
    plt.plot(tp, allele_frequencies[:,locus],,lw=2)

for locus in xrange(5,pop.L,50):        #plot a few neutral trajectories
    plt.plot(tp, allele_frequencies[:,locus],, lw=2)