Mutation-selection balance

For sites under selection, both genetic drift and selection influence the fate of new alleles. Similar to the example for haploid_lowd, this example shows how to measure the mutation-selection balance in the allele frequency spectra. The full script for this example can be found in the examples folder, in

After loading the modules, we start off by setting parameters and constructing the class:

N = 500                             # population size
L = 64                              # number of loci
s = np.linspace(-2 ,2, L) / N       # additive selection coefficients for L loci, scaled to N
mu = 0.5 / N                        # mutation rate, scaled to N
r  = 50.0 / N / L                   # recombination rate for each interval between loci

pop = h.haploid_highd(L)            # produce an instance of haploid_highd with L loci

We set the additive fitness landscape. Note that the recombination rate is high enough for loci to be unlinked:

pop.set_fitness_additive(0.5 * s)


FFPopSim models fitness landscape in a +/- rather than 0/1 basis, hence the factor 0.5

We then set the mutation and recombination rates:

pop.mutation_rate = mu                   # mutation rate
pop.recombination_model = h.CROSSOVERS   # recombination model
pop.outcrossing_rate = 1                 # obligate sexual
pop.crossover_rate = r                   # crossover rate

We initialize the population in linkage equilibrium with allele frequencies 0.5:

pop.carrying_capacity = N           # set the population size
pop.set_allele_frequencies(0.5 * np.ones(L), N)

Now we can start to evolve the population. We first let it equilibrate towards the steady-state:

pop.evolve(10 * N)                  # run for 10N generations to equilibrate

and we start to record the allele frequencies from now on:

for ii in range(nsamples):
    pop.evolve(0.1 * N)                 # N / 10 generations between successive samples

    # get allele frequencies
    allele_frequencies[ii,:] = pop.get_allele_frequencies()

Finally, we make a histogram of the allele frequencies and plot it, together with diffusion theory predictions:

for locus in range(L):

    y,x = np.histogram(allele_frequencies[:,locus], bins=af_bins, normed='True')

    plt.plot(bc, y,*4))


    plt.plot(bc, y/diffusion_theory,*4), ls='-')

The result is shown in the following figures, in the left panel, the allele frequency distribution, in the right panel the same normalized by the diffusion theory prediction:

../../_images/mutation-selection_highd.png ../../_images/mutation-selection_highd_norm.png

Diffusion theory predicts the spectrum accurately over a wide range of fitness coefficients.